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Distance Healing

Distance Healing

Regular price £40.00 GBP
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What is distance healing

A healing that is practiced when the recipient is not physically present is known as distant healing and this works in a similar way to being in the presence of the healer.

Healers have recognised for centuries what modern astro-physicists and quantum scientists have only recently become aware of: The world as we know it is an illusion.

We are all made of energy, vibrating at different pitches, designating different manifestations of life. Working not the physical form, but with pure energy means that the healer can operate outside of the normal limitations of time and space. This allows the healer to send therapy to a person or energy pattern that is physically distant from them.

There are many ways one might understand how distance healing works. Much of our everyday experience involves the transfer of energy over long distances — satellite dishes are just one example. There are energies all about us traveling great distances in short amounts of time such as radio waves.

In recent modern times many modalities of distant healing are being recognised and practiced in the West. More and more people are turning to alternative healing therapies such as distant energy healing to enhance their health and well being. Distant healing and energy healing therapy is being clinically studied in the West by places such as the California Pacific Medical Center in Northern California. China has done many scientific studies on the effectiveness of qigong distance healing by qigong healers. One strict double blind study on almost 400 patients by cardiologist Robert Bryd determined that people who were prayed for had better outcomes than those who were not.

Common to virtually all perspectives is the belief that a person’s focused intention can have a nonlocal effect, that is, the healing intention of one person can have a positive effect on another who is at a distance.

Somewhere it was decided that it was better to think of ourselves as separate instead of celebrating and utilising our connection to each other and the Universe. Just as birds flying in formation will change course in an instant without words exchanged, meetings called, maps brought out and debates and arguments- we too can tap into this guidance and information system. The birds do not have people telling them they are not connected, nor do they have mobile phones ,TV and the many other distractions that keep us plugged into the outside world but not plugged into our innermost being and true self.


There is no time and space for the angels...Time doesn't exist, clocks exist. Time is just an agreed upon construct. We have taken distance (one rotation of the earth, and one orbit of the sun), divided it into segments, then given those segments labels. While it has its uses, we have been programmed to live our lives by this construct as if it were real. We have confused our shared construct with something that is tangible and thus have become its slave.

What happens in session?

In session I will ask you to make yourself comfortable at home, light a candle for yourself and surround yourself with whatever puts you at peace. As the session begins we do a discovery chat so that i can find out more about you and why you have come for healing. From there we will ground ourselves and I will intuitively use a combination or one of the following healing modalities:

  • Angelic
  • Usui
  • Shamballa Reiki

After the healing session has concluded, I will do an intuitive card pull and relay any given messages.

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