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Angelic Reiki - In Person

Angelic Reiki - In Person

Regular price £55.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £55.00 GBP
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What is angelic reiki?

Angelic Reiki is a powerful – yet gentle, hands-on healing system that allows very high vibrational energies, Intelligent ‘Beings of Light’, to work upon your body to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all times and incarnations.

From the moment we are born, we are guided, supported, protected and loved by Angels unconditionally, no matter what.  Each one of us has our very own guardian angel who remains with us throughout our lifetime.  They know our hopes, dreams, wishes, sadness, worries and fears. They know of our every thought and action, our past and our future.  However, Angels have no free will and cannot help us unless we invite them to do so.

What happens during session?

When you arrive, you'll be made to feel safe and comfortable with pillows and blankets. I will take you into a grounding meditation, start my invocation and then the angels take over...

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